Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Cleared community garden plot of tomatoes and zucchini, planted parsley seeds

 This past weekend we cleared all of the remaining tomato and squash plants from the community garden bed. It is always hard to decide to pull out the tomatoes because so many green ones remain, but they just stop ripening. We will put down composted manure (this time only steer, as the garden center was out of chicken) and plant more soon.

Here's the last tomato harvest of the year (except some cherry gold tomatoes at home in a pot that are still producing).

Also the final overgrown zucchini-ish squash and some zoodles I made from them. I'm getting sick of zoodles. I think I need to make a LOT more zucchini bread.

At home, I planted some parsley seeds in a pot. They're pretty old, so I'm curious if they will grow.