Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fertilized Community Garden

Used fish emulsion to fertilize at the community garden.  Picking lots of lettuce, kale, broccoli greens, celeriac.  Planted some strawberry plants that I found in the compost bin last week, more lettuce from seed, plus transplanted in excess broccoli starts from friend.  Thanks friend!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fertilized and applied compost at home

Today I used the fish emulsion to fertilize the N. and W. garden beds at home, plus pots and citrus trees (except missed one on the side yard).  I also applied compost to the two lower mandarins.  The lowest one is still looking less than thrilled with life.  When we planted it initially (was it only a year ago?) the dirt there was shockingly pale and whitish/chalky.  I wonder if that is impacting the tree.