I've been getting a great harvest of yellow crookneck squash, which I'd planted from an old seed pack that, in theory, contained 4 different types of summer squash. But each plant that took was yellow crookneck. We like it most roasted with garlic cloves, crimini mushrooms, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
We're also eating tons of tomatoes - I think they were Celebrity. They are plenty tasty and are resistant enough that they're doing reasonably well.
I had the pleasure of trying a friend's plum tomato called Enchantment that was incredible! I hope to track down a source for that one in the future. Wonderful flavor.
At home today I used fish emulsion on our trees: apple, navel, valencia, peach, pomegranate. Also gave some to the roses and bougainvillea. I'm hoping it will perk up the latter, which has surprisingly few leaves.