Our worm bin wasn't draining well, so we did an impromptu clean out of it. We had a lot of tea all at once, which we put on the back fruit trees (peach and pomegranate). We used the worm castings on the front fruit trees (citrus and apple). The back trees have been the happy recipients of extra buckets of water this summer. These are the buckets that we fill while running hot water to start a shower. This is prompted a lot of new growth in the peach with it's first ever, most progressed fruit. There is one single peach on it, that we're hoping we (and not a squirrel or rat) gets to eat. There's also a yucca near the peach that is having a growth spurt, but that's more problematic as it is so tall now that it's top leaves are in danger of shredding the awning over the back window. Also, it is near a walkway which the sharp leaves are now too near. It is a very odd place for this yucca, but it was here when we moved in. Soon, I may have to saw off large branches of it. My mom, a avid desert gardener, tells me that the terminal end should root well but she does not think the proximal end will regrow unless it is already at a self-proclaimed branch. I'm keep this in mind when I get out the saw. For now, it is too darn hot to consider stressing out the yucca like this. California is having a record heat wave, plus wildfires (thankfully none immediately near us), plus the coronavirus pandemic. 2020 is a rough year.
We keep harvesting tomatoes and kale every weekend and are enjoying them quite a bit, although the tomatoes are petering out now.
I recently saw the white fly is back on the valencia orange. I think they don't mind the heat. When it is a little cooler, I'll pay more attention to that issue.