Monday, January 22, 2024

Planting more seeds

After posting about planting asparagus on Saturday, a friend warned me to be ready to treat the asparagus for the asparagus weevil and asparagus aphids. Perhaps I’ll soon regret planting them. On the bright side, they’ve survived 2 nights without being decimated by squirrels.

Sunday was another busy planting day, as a friend came through with milkweed seeds. Thank you, friend! I planted an entire flat of those (6x6=36 starts). In 6 packs, I also started alyssum and carnations (Chabaud, Dianthus Caryophyllus), plus the poppy yesterday. In little pots, I started sunflowers, three flower mix packets that I’d been given, and some Sweet William from a friend (Dianthus barbatus). Hopefully some of these will flourish for us. I'm hoping to plant flowers in the border around our redone retaining wall.