Monday, March 4, 2024

Planted bulbs, Garden Update

 Recall the passion fruit vine I recently planted? It is not happy. The other day, I took a closer look at it and discovered 7 snails on or around it, which I removed. Then 2 days later, there were 2 more. I'll keep checking it and picking them off. I hope it recovers. My friend saw how sad it looks and told me not to worry as she'd already asked her other friend for more cuttings.

Remember the lettuce wasn't looking so good and I gave it fertilizer. That was an organic vegetable fertilizer brand. I think that was too much for it, as it quickly withered and died.

In other sad news, the asparagus starts that I'd enclosed in protective plastic sleeves (old juice jugs with top and bottom cut off) is browning. I'd guess the overheated in the sun. I've removed the sleeves, but kept the wire spikes I put in with them to dissuade rodents. I hope they're happier now.

And the great, yet inevitable, garden tragedy of the week is that right after fertilizing, the squirrels discovered the chard and beet seedlings. They had a feast! Hubby and I have been researching wire enclosures to decide what to make to exclude the squirrels from the garden.

Some of the flower seedling I planted over a month ago are starting to sprout, so we'll keep our fingers crossed for them.

The succulents we moved around a week or so ago are looking pretty good. A friend gave me another succulent that we put in the back border. Speaking of the border, we also planted snapdragon and alyssum starts there (and alyssum in the veggie bed). We also planted about a dozen of each ranunculus and freesia bulbs in the back border. I hope they get established and return for years! Time will tell.