Thursday, September 7, 2023

Fruit Trees, Worm Castings, Milkweed

 I finally got more fertilizer for the fruit trees today, so I applied Gro Power to all the fruit trees. We also put worm castings from our very full bin on all of them last weekend. The citrus trees also received some Citrus Grower's blend. And the little, struggling mandarin got all of that watered in with a bit of kelp extract. I removed a couple fruit from that one, so it wouldn't put too much energy into production.

Speaking of production, this was a big year for peaches on our little tree, meaning it has 8 fruit! 3 of them have fallen off in the last couple days. They're about the size of an apricot and still look green. I'm hoping they'll ripen a bit on the counter, but I'm not confident these will be the peaches of my dreams. I remember a peach tree I planted in Maryland, gave about 2 fruit it's first year, but they were delicious. This isn't looking like that.

I've been having some fun this summer with the milkweed I planted last fall from seeds a friend gave me. Due to life chaos, those poor plants are still in the little 6-pack style pots (can I call them pots?) I planted them in. I hope to get them in the actual ground someday. This hasn't put off the monarch butterflies, who find them anyway, lay eggs and the caterpillars demolish the plants to a leafless state before we start the cycle over again. I haven't found a lot of chrysalises in the garden, as a friend of mine does. I'm not sure if they're walking away further than I'm looking, if I'm bad at finding them, or what, but this is a good start. I'm hoping it will be better once the plants are in the ground.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Soil sulfur, Gro Power, fertilizer

Happy Spring! Things have been so busy, but this week I made some time to give the trees a bit of love. The citrus all got a bit of soil sulfur as I think alkaline soil/water are the source of some issues for the citrus. I also applied Gro Power Plus to all of the citrus trees before scratching it in. The ornamental flowers got some Osmocote long acting fertilizer. 

We've had some of the best chard from the garden in the last month or so. And the peach tree is blooming up a storm. It loves all of the rain we've had this year in Southern California.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Iron plus slight acidifier to mandarins

 We've had a lot of rain lately by San Diego standards, and there's a bit more to come next week. The 2 smallest mandarins are not looking happy, continuing to have the yellowed leaves with dark spots. My Mom had a good look at one and suggested iron chelate. So, I gave them each some iron chelate and a little bit of Gro-Power Plus, which has humic acid, so might continue to gently acidify the soil.