Once I had the granules worked in, I got out my trusty foliar spray pump. Into the canister I put a few tablespoons of Bonide Liquid Iron + Micronutrients. I'm trying this product because it is a liquid with multiple ingredients, most of which involve "sulfate". The principle ingredient is ferrous sulfate, which is another way to quickly lower pH in soil. I also added to the canister some Fish Emulsion to give some nitrogen kick to these poor plants. We need leaves! So, I sprayed the few leaves they have with this concoction. I made a similar blend in a watering can and watered the well thoroughly with it.

Also, I've continued to work on the watering for these trees. Feeling it was dry, I basically doubled the watering time and went from every 5 days to every 4 days. Then, I've been checking it more often and still wonder if it is slightly dry. Today we changed it to every other day. I know this may not let it dry well in between, but so far, I haven't felt the soil was soggy. When we had some very rare rain, that did coincide with the lower tree blooming and creating a few leaves, so I wonder if the rain influenced that.
While we were out there, DH also did some shredding to add to the compost pile. Go DH!
I planted some dill and basil in pots from seed. I put little plastic domes over them to create a greenhouse to aid sprouting.
The kids and I also put about 18 jade pieces into pots for the fun of starting more jade plants.
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